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/ Amiga Collections: Camelot / Camelot 035 (1989-01)(Swedish User Group of Amiga)(SE)(PD)[m doscopy][WB].zip / Camelot 035 (1989-01)(Swedish User Group of Amiga)(SE)(PD)[m doscopy][WB].adf / Tsnip

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Images (1)

Fonts (5)
NamePreview NamePreview

Amiga Bitmap Font Content

1989-01-03 (1KB)

Amiga Bitmap Font Content

1989-01-03 (1KB)

Amiga Bitmap Font Content

1989-01-03 (3KB)

Amiga Bitmap Font Content

1989-01-03 (3KB)

Amiga Bitmap Font Content

1989-01-03 (3KB)

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
fonts.doc Text File 26 1KB 1989-01-03
handler-commands Text File 5 36b 1989-01-03
menu.c C/C++ Source or Header 85 2KB 1989-01-03
menu.doc Text File 11 384b 1989-01-03
new_features.doc Text File 113 6KB 1989-01-03
README Text File 48 2KB 1989-01-03
tsnip.doc Text File 641 30KB 1989-01-03
tsnipgen.c C/C++ Source or Header 190 4KB 1989-01-03
tsnipgen.doc Text File 28 933b 1989-01-03

Other Files (14)
menu AmigaOS Executable 5KB 1989-01-03
TSnip AmigaOS Executable 21KB 1989-01-03
TSnipGen AmigaOS Executable 4KB 1989-01-03
ericbd.font Unknown 264b 1989-01-03
ericbd.fontdef Unknown 760b 1989-01-03
erics.font Unknown 264b 1989-01-03
erics.fontdef Unknown 760b 1989-01-03
kickfont.fontdef Unknown 760b 1989-01-03
pearl.font Unknown 264b 1989-01-03
pearl.fontdef Unknown 760b 1989-01-03
sharp.font Unknown 264b 1989-01-03
sharp.fontdef Unknown 760b 1989-01-03
ST.font Unknown 264b 1989-01-03
ST.fontdef Unknown 760b 1989-01-03